
User invite to team

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28 Aug, 2024, 03:05

If adding a user to a team, do I need to ask them to check there email and accept the invitation?

Developers are wondering if there's a way to add a user to a team without them having to go through the invite process. The solution is to call `teams.createMembership()` client-side.
28 Aug, 2024, 05:13

If you call teams.createMembership(), client side, yes

18 Nov, 2024, 20:59

Is there a way to add a user to a team without having them go through the invite and accept invitation process?

18 Nov, 2024, 21:00

For example, the app I am looking to create is going to be a meetup style app where users can be members of multiple community groups via a group code, so when they join a group, I would want to add them to the team automatically so that the permissions on documents related to a specific team are already in palce


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