
Storage Bucket: Setting/Getting its size

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  • Storage
25 Aug, 2024, 13:46

I want to know if there is a way to set the size of the bucket so that a user does not exceed its limit and to get that size later on. I want to simplify my checks on the file upload to limit users clogging up the storage. I could use a function to run a check on the files in a bucket and sum thier sizes but I am looking for a simpler way if possible.

To manage storage limits for users in a bucket: - Create a function triggered by file upload events to store user ID and file data in a separate collection. - Implement a function to check the bucket's size by summing file sizes for user limit control. To simplify the process, you can set up a rule to limit storage capacity per user.
25 Aug, 2024, 13:52

nah you gotta use functions. Make a function that gets triggered on event when someone uploads a file. You will get the userId who triggered it and the file data. Save the data in a separate collection


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