
Sending data to appwrite cloud function.

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  • Functions
24 Aug, 2024, 06:36

i am trying to send data to a cloud function but cant figure out how. i saw to stringify the data, and did, but still cannot use the data i sent. accordding to the function , if data is missing , show a 400 error code. and in the function log , i can see that. So i assume my data is not sent correctly or recived correctly. can anyone provide a code snippet if you were able to send and recive data to cloud function?

Developers having trouble sending data to a cloud function should stringify the data when sending. If missing data triggers a 400 error code, verify that the data is being sent/received correctly. Here's a sample code snippet for sending and receiving data to a cloud function: ``` // Sample code snippet for sending data to a cloud function const dataToSend = { key: 'value' }; const requestData = JSON.stringify(dataToSend); // Make the API call to the cloud function with the requestData fetch('cloudFunctionEndpoint', { method: 'POST', body: requestData }) .then(response => response.json())

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