at Appwrite.Client.Call[T](String method, String path, Dictionary`2 headers, Dictionary`2 parameters, Func`2 convert)
at Appwrite.Client.ChunkedUpload[T](String path, Dictionary`2 headers, Dictionary`2 parameters, Func`2 converter, String paramName, String idParamName, Action`1 onProgress)
at DotNetRuntime.Handler.Main(RuntimeContext Context) in /usr/local/server/src/Index.cs:line 67
at DotNetRuntime.Program.Action(HttpRequest request) in /usr/local/server/src/Program.cs:line 194```
Error message shows an issue with the Storage API createFile function in the dotnet SDK. The error points to a route not found. Developers should refer to the API docs for resolution. Abhishek
Error in Storage API createFile function of dotnet SDK
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