
Switching from local storage to DO Spaces storage

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15 Aug, 2024, 15:42

Hey there, Im currently using the default storage feature of appwrite and already have some storage buckets and data stored. I now would like to make the switch to Digital Oceans S3 compatible Spaces Service because im already using appwrite with a Do Droplet and want to have more storage space available.

I read that this should be quite forward via the _APP_STORAGE_DEVICE Environment variable. From my understanding, following the changes of the Environment variables, every new Bucket will automatically be stored on the Digital Ocean Space.

My Question is, how will i go about accessing the existing data. Is it possible to just continue accessing and using the existing buckets and the data within them (on the droplet itself) or would i need to recreate them and somehow download (before the switch) and reupload the data. If so, can i give them the same id as the old buckets, so my app can access those buckets without needing to push an update?

Thanks in advance.

(Im using Appwrite Version 1.5.1)

Switching from local storage to Digital Ocean Spaces storage in Appwrite is possible by changing the _APP_STORAGE_DEVICE environment variable. Existing data can be accessed after the switch, there is no need to recreate or reupload it. You can give the new buckets the same IDs as the old ones for seamless access in your app.

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