
Database Not Found Error on Node, Dart and Python sdk

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Databases
13 Aug, 2024, 07:54

I’ve been struggling with a new project in a self hosted instance of the v1.5.10. This has been happening before the upgrade I’d say I first noticed maybe a week ago.

I can’t seem to run any queries using the sdks, but when I try the same result with the REST API using the same params, key etc it works.

What am I missing here? All the sdks I tested are the latest versions on npm, and pip

Developers encountering 'Database Not Found Error' on Node, Dart, and Python SDKs when using v1.5.10. Issues started before an upgrade, about a week ago. Rest API is working with the same parameters. Ensure SDKs are up-to-date. The solution might involve checking database connection settings in the SDK configuration.

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