
the console UI stops responding when there are hundreds of requests for the function executions.

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12 Aug, 2024, 13:40

Created a simple function with node runtime. It simply sleeps for 15 seconds, then responds. I spawned 1000 (thousand) simultaneous requests, and during the execution, I could not do anything on the console UI.

My machine is a 4core, 16GB ram instance.

Is this expected ? Is vertical scaling the only solution here?

Console UI becomes unresponsive when handling numerous requests for function executions. CPU usage stays below 30% during the process. Created a simple function with node runtime, but console UI locks up with 1000 simultaneous requests on a 4-core, 16GB RAM machine. Questioning if vertical scaling is the sole solution. **Solution:** Consider splitting the console and backend into separate containers. This could help improve performance during heavy request loads.
12 Aug, 2024, 13:41

The CPU usage did not cross 30% during this btw.

12 Aug, 2024, 13:45

Let's see how it behaves in the upcoming release when they split up console and the actual backend so they are in their own container


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