
Appwrite and Electron

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Sam K
12 Aug, 2024, 10:52

Hey how to add a platform to Appwrite if it's an Electron App? I am using Quasar Framework after login in the user I am getting this warnings in the console

- Appwrite SDK can bypass the "Origin" header if not set. - Appwrite SDK can work without adding a platform to Appwrite. - Only desktop app for now - possibly an OSX and later a NativeScript version. - No website version of Appwrite is planned. - For Electron Apps, add the website where it is hosted as a web app. - Use `Quasar Framework` with Electron App - after login, warnings are showing in the console.
12 Aug, 2024, 10:53

Just add the website where it is hosted on as web app

Sam K
12 Aug, 2024, 10:53

there will be no website version

Sam K
12 Aug, 2024, 10:53

only Desktop App for now Osx and maybe later a Native script version for mobile

Sam K
12 Aug, 2024, 10:56

one thing I noticed is that the appwrite sdk is working without adding a platform to Appwrite. is this normal?

12 Aug, 2024, 10:57

If the SDK does not set the "Origin" header it can bypass that


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