
Create Document Permission Array

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • React Native
  • Databases
8 Aug, 2024, 22:09

Hello everyone,

I am currently a little bit confused on how to define an array of Permissions that I can use in a database.createDocument() statement. I included a short code snippet to demonstrate my problem:

memberArray.forEach((member) = > {
createDocument = await databases.createDocument(
    "<database>", "<collection>", ID.unique(), {data}, permissions);```

I've tried several different alternatives including mapping the array directly in the ```createDocument()``` function, or using an array of strings like ```read("user:<id>)```
Nothing seems to work, the error message is always the same: ```Error creating document: [AppwriteException: Permissions must be one of: (any, users, user:<censored>, user:<censored>/unverified, users/unverified)]```

I would be very very grateful if somebody could help me out, because I am starting to feel a little bit dumb 🥲
Developers are struggling to define an array of Permissions for a ```database.createDocument()``` statement. The error message keeps showing the permissions must be specific types, but they tried various alternatives without success. One solution is to use the correct Permission format like `````` within the array.
8 Aug, 2024, 22:10

Btw, it's best to use 3 back ticks with multi-line code. See

8 Aug, 2024, 22:12

From the docs:

A project user can only grant permissions to a resource that they have. For example, if a user is trying to share a document with a team that they are not a member of, they will encounter a 401 not authorized error. If your app needs users to grant access to teams they're not a member of, you can create Appwrite Functions with a Server SDK to achieve this functionality.

8 Aug, 2024, 22:32

Thank you, I will give it a try.


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