
What is the best way to avoid an event triggering a function call

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  • Functions
7 Aug, 2024, 12:55

Day 2 of trying Appwrite Functions 🙂

I have a function which monitors when a document is created or updated and then if media files information in a document field shows that thumbnails for media were not generated, it triggers thumbnail generation, stores them in Storage and then updates media files information (IDs in Storage).

I noticed that first run of the function triggers another run, which is while it's fast (3ms) can add up on large volumes of requests I think, so I'm wondering if there is a mechanism which allows to avoid triggering of an event when calling document update API from a function which uses server API or otherwise.

Even if I check x-appwrite-user-id for example (end function if it's empty) it still runs the function which has sharp/libvips & ffmpeg, so kinda expensive I think. Thanks.

BTW, I noticed a small bug in preview endpoint - it doesn't consider orientation of photos (previews are sideways when photos are displayed correctly in browsers/viewers which consider orientation) - I think appwrite uses sharp/libvips based on API parameter values for the endpoint, if so a simple additional .rotate() call without parameters when generating preview should fix this issue

Developers want to prevent a function from triggering itself while monitoring document creation or update. The function triggers thumbnail generation but ends up in a loop. They are seeking a mechanism to avoid this without impacting performance negatively due to high function runs. A potential bug in the preview endpoint is also noted, suggesting it may not account for photo orientations correctly. A solution proposed is to add a simple `.rotate()` call without parameters when generating previews to address this issue.

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