
Server Error When Accessing API From iOS Simulator

  • 1
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
6 Aug, 2024, 20:54

When testing REST API calls from FlutterFlow (GUI app building service based on Flutter framework) with enabled by default proxy routing, everything works fine. When I disable proxy routing, I get this error in the browser's console: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header has a value 'https://localhost' that is not equal to the supplied origin. When I make API calls from my app running in iOS simulator, I get this error message (raw body): {"message":"Server Error","code":500,"type":"general_unknown","version":"1.5.8"}.

My initial hypothesis was that it also has something to do with CORS policies. I tried creating different platforms in Appwrite Console, including Web app with hostnames localhost or * (general wildcard) with no luck. I also tried to create a Flutter iOS platform with my app's name and Bundle ID with no luck either.

I use no SDKs making all calls via REST API (for example, Create email token (OTP)).

Any help will be appreciated!

Server error when accessing API from iOS simulator due to CORS policy blocking XMLHttpRequest. Error message: "Server Error." Attempted to troubleshoot by adjusting platform settings in Appwrite Console with no success. The issue may be related to CORS policies preventing API calls. Solution: Enable proxy routing to resolve the issue.
6 Aug, 2024, 20:57

Go to project overview then create web app

6 Aug, 2024, 20:57

Paste this in and you're good to go


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