
How can i access the file url and preview the image. I use Nest.JS[Server] for uploading image

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  • Storage
  • Cloud
3 Aug, 2024, 12:41

i get this as response after uploading the image

πŸš€ ~ MemberinfoService ~ createmember ~ results: [ { '$id': '66ae214f3b8ac191d498', bucketId: '66acfe76001a5d8eadc2', '$createdAt': '2024-08-03T12:23:43.686+00:00', '$updatedAt': '2024-08-03T12:23:43.686+00:00', '$permissions': [], name: 'Screenshot from 2024-08-02 19-37-04.png', signature: '5e543256c480ac577d30f76f9120eb74', mimeType: 'text/plain', sizeOriginal: 9, chunksTotal: 1, chunksUploaded: 1, fileUrl: '[object Object]' }, { '$id': '66ae214f1d2e6be28790', bucketId: '66acfe76001a5d8eadc2', '$createdAt': '2024-08-03T12:23:44.249+00:00', '$updatedAt': '2024-08-03T12:23:44.249+00:00', '$permissions': [], name: 'Screenshot from 2024-08-02 20-53-29.png', signature: '5e543256c480ac577d30f76f9120eb74', mimeType: 'text/plain', sizeOriginal: 9, chunksTotal: 1, chunksUploaded: 1, fileUrl: '[object Object]' } ]

when i try to upload the image

it response with

{ "message": "The requested file could not be found.", "code": 404, "type": "storage_file_not_found", "version": "1.5.8" }

also in file security i have enable it and tick all the permissions

Developers uploads image to Appwrite using Nest.JS but face issue with accessing file URLs for image preview. The response received includes 'fileUrl' as '[object Object]' causing a 'file not found' error when trying to preview the image. **Solution:** - Update the code to properly handle the 'fileUrl' response in JSON format. - When uploading the image, ensure all permissions are correctly set in the file security settings.
3 Aug, 2024, 12:42

How can i access the file url and preview the image. I use Nest.JS[Server] for uploading image

3 Aug, 2024, 12:47

// appwrite.service.ts import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Client, Storage } from 'node-appwrite';

@Injectable() export class AppwriteService { private client: Client; private storage: Storage;

constructor() { this.client = new Client() .setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint .setProject(process.env.APP_WRITE_PROJECTID) // Your project ID .setKey(process.env.APP_WRITE_KEY); // Your secret API key

TypeScript = new Storage(this.client);


async appWriteUploadFile( file: Express.Multer.File, bucketId: string, ): Promise<any> { try { const fileData = new File([file.buffer], file.originalname, { type: file.mimetype, }); const response = await bucketId, 'unique()', // You can use a custom ID or 'unique()' for auto-generated ID fileData, ); console.log('πŸš€ ~In Service AppwriteService ~ response:', response); return response; } catch (error) { throw error; } } } }


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