
How do I ust getFilePreview() on the client side?

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  • Web
  • Storage
  • Cloud
30 Jul, 2024, 08:30

I am using next.js and managing the session with node-appwrite. I have uploaded an image to appwrite storage. The fileId is stored in the database. Now I would like to show the user the image with the fileId.

This is my code.

"use server";

import { createAdminClient } from "@/lib/server/appwrite";

export async function getFilePreview(fileId: string) {
  const bucketId = "66a4af5b000a38b0dd62";
  const { storage } = await createAdminClient();

  const result = await storage.getFilePreview(bucketId, fileId);
  const blob = new Blob([result], { type: "image/webp" }); // Adjust the MIME type if necessary
  return URL.createObjectURL(blob);

How do I use the blob in next.js <Image /> tag

Developers want to use `getFilePreview()` to display uploaded images in a Next.js project using Node-Appwrite. To use the blob in `<Image />` tag, you can follow these steps: 1. Adjust the MIME type in the blob generation if needed. 2. After getting the URL from `getFilePreview()`, use it in the `src` attribute of the `<Image />` tag in Next.js, like `<Image src={URL_from_getFilePreview} alt="Image Description" />`.

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