
Implement Appwrite into Python Flask application

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29 Jul, 2024, 19:42

Hey all!!! So I am a complete noob for Appwrite. I tried it on my own, tried it with react, next js, I can get it working up to a point and then it doesnt work for me. I am trying to build my hackathon application and I am just having trouble. So I went to python, I put my app, I can get the login and sign up to work so far on its own but i need a backend database, for some reason mongodb is not working with the latest version :/ and I dont know about sql yet. So I want to use appwrite if i can. i dont mind sitting in a call for zoom or discord to show what is happening. But if anyone has any information on how to implement appwrite into python flask, I would be grateful!

Developer is struggling to implement Appwrite into a Python Flask application for a hackathon project. They have had issues with React and Next.js, and MongoDB is not working. They are seeking guidance on how to use Appwrite as a backend database. Any help is appreciated.

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