
Share session between client and server when using OTP auth

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  • Self Hosted
  • Auth
  • Web
27 Jul, 2024, 22:38

Hi there,

I'm using the client sdk to authenticate the user within my nextjs frontend. I also need to access the user object, so I also use the server sdk. I followed these two guides to set it up:

I use the OTP function for authentication (the one, where the user gets a one time password send via mail). I'm still having trouble to create a server session next to the client session.

I use this code:


const session = await account.createSession(userId, otp);
await fetch('/api/login', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({userId, otp}),

And I do this on the server side:


export async function POST(request: NextRequest){
  const { account } = await createAdminClient();

  const { userId, otp } = await request.json();
  const session = await account.createSession(userId, otp);

I always get the error: Invalid token passed in the request.

So now my question is: How can I share the session between client and server when using the OTP for auth? Thanks!

Developers having trouble sharing a session between client and server when using OTP for authentication. The issue arises from invalid token being passed in the request. Solution: Check the token generation and compare it between client and server. Make sure they match in order to successfully share the session.

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