Hi all. I'm hosting my appwrite on my own VPS but I', having trouble creating a session for an authenticated user via gmail. When I run the appwrite endpoint with http (http://localhost:80/v1), and have my web client running on http://localhost:3000, I can create a new user. However, when I put a domain and encrypts with https, the app keeps redirecting to http instead of https (http://af23-116-101-10-209 as above). I tried both nginx, and ngrok and neither works.
I tried setting _APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS=enabled
but I have no idea what the endpoint will be? I tried curl https:localhost:443
and others but it doesn't work
here's the output for docker ps
when I tried curling https://locahost. For more information, I executed the docker-php-entrypoint container, and I can see the console on localhost:80 (inside the container)
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