
Returning specific attributes with GraphQL

  • 0
  • GraphQL
  • Cloud
26 Jul, 2024, 15:18

I'm trying to use the GraphQL API to return a single attribute along with the _id, rather than the entire document. According to the documentation, the following should work:

query { databasesListDocuments( databaseId: "${DATABASE_ID}", collectionId: "${COLLECTION_ID}" ) { total documents { _id data { attribute1 } } } }

However, I'm getting the following error:

Response: {"errors":[{"message":"Field data of type String must not have a sub selection.","extensions":{"category":"graphql"},"locations":[{"line":9,"column":16}]}]}

The following doesn't work either:

query { databasesListDocuments( databaseId: "${DATABASE_ID}", collectionId: "${COLLECTION_ID}" ) { total documents { _id attribute1 } } }

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Developers are trying to return a specific attribute with the GraphQL API along with the _id but are encountering an error. The error is due to trying to include a subselection for a scalar field. To fix this, switch the query to directly access the desired attribute like so: `query { databasesListDocuments( databaseId: "${DATABASE_ID}", collectionId: "${COLLECTION_ID}" ) { total documents { _id attribute1 } } }`

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