
Teams.listMemberships() not working on Flutter but works on backend function

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  • Flutter
25 Jul, 2024, 20:06

I have a appwrite server function querying my memberships as this;


    data = json.loads(request.payload or "{}")

    queries = []
    email = None
    if not 'cursor' in data:
        return response.json({})

    if data['cursor'] != 'null':

    if data['email'] != 'null':
        email = data['email']

    lista = teams.list_memberships(team_id=data['time_id'], queries=queries, search=email)
    return response.json(lista)```

and I've tried to replace it by direct querying from mobile as this:
```final docs = await ServidorAppwrite.instance.teams.listMemberships(
        teamId: timeId,
        queries: [
          if (cursor != null) Query.cursorAfter(cursor),
        search: email,

but the mobile query throws:
`AppwriteException: team_not_found, Team with the requested ID could not be found. (404)`

I don't know why this happens because the team_id is exactly the same...
Developers are having trouble with a Flutter query when trying to list memberships. The error `team_not_found` occurs even though the team ID is correct. This could be due to a potential issue with how the team ID is being passed. Double-check the team ID formatting and ensure it matches.

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