
User can't delete documents created by himself

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Cloud
20 Jul, 2024, 14:45

Hi guys, I trying to use cloud as back-end for small reactjs-app but facing with several issues:

1 - When we changed auth provider from the keycloak to auth0 user can't delete document created by himself anymore, they can create and update but delete always cause an The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action error

2 - I gussed it can be related to changed identity and tried to delete the user and re-acreate him again with the same email. But when I try to create user via admin panel I see an user email duplicate error. Also the User (role: guests) missing scope (account) error appear if user tried to login via oauth2 on the front-end.

Developers are experiencing an issue where users are unable to delete documents they created after changing the auth provider. The error message "The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action" appears. Deleting and recreating the user with the same email does not resolve the problem and creates further errors. This might be related to changed identities causing the problem.

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