
Please help. Getting Error 401

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Web
17 Jul, 2024, 23:10

Hello guys, I'm having a big problem right now.

I have an Appwrite instance in my server, that was using a public ip, I was generating certificates for it using NPM and using Cloudflare as my DNS.

The problem started when my ISP messed up something, and turned my public IP off. So what I did to try to sort out the problem was to create two cloudflare tunnels:

  • One for my Appwrite installation
  • One for my Sveltekit frontend application

The problem is that I cannot loggin anymore into my web app, for some reason I get error 401 when I enter my webapp and when I try to loggin I get:

  "message": "User (role: guests) missing scope (account)",
  "code": 401,
  "type": "general_unauthorized_scope",
  "version": "1.5.5"

But watching the network tab on browser dev tools I can see I receive the Session Object correctly, I just cant get into the app.

If someone can help me It will be really appreciated.

Edit: By the way, I have tested to:

  • Change CORS policy by changing platforms hostname on appwrite console
  • Use another user
  • Change password from console
Developer's Appwrite instance had a public IP issue, so transitioned to Cloudflare tunnels. Now encountering error 401 while trying to log in, with message stating missing account scope for a guest user. Attempted solutions: changed CORS policy and user, but still facing the issue.

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