
Query on relationship

  • 1
  • Databases
  • General
  • Cloud
Said Hasyim
16 Jul, 2024, 11:18

Hello, May I seek your opinion on the relationship type to use?

Consider the following data:

  • product A, B, C
  • product group A, B, C

Product group A contains product A, B Product group B contains product A, C Product group C contains product B, C

I am experimenting with one-way relationship, and on delete cascade.

If I delete product group A, it deletes product A and B. I think this is expected because of the delete cascade.

If I want to keep product A, B when I delete product group A. But I want it to delete the product, when all product groups that hold the product have been deleted, is it something that is possible?

For example, if I delete product group A and B, it should delete product A. Product B and C should not be deleted because they are still held by group B and C.

Developers want to know how to set up relationships to delete products without affecting other groups. Solution: consider setting up conditional deletion triggers or using soft deletes instead of hard deletes.

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