
Problems with using permissions in Flutter

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
15 Jul, 2024, 20:40

Hello guys, I create documents and provide an array of permissions but when another user logs in and loads the data the second user can load the data from the first user. I use following code:

final response = await databases.createDocument(
  databaseId: databaseId,
  collectionId: collectionId,
  documentId: ID.unique(),
  data: data.toMap(),
  permissions: [$id)),

In the web console i can see that the document has the right flag with user:<userId> Still do not understand why the second user can see the data. Do you have an idea what I am missing? Kind regards

Issue: Permissions set for documents in Flutter not working correctly, allowing second user to access data intended for first user. Solution: Check permissions implementation in the backend to ensure that only the specified user has access to the document. Additionally, verify that the permissions are correctly assigned and enforced.

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