
image classification function (templates) using huggingface

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13 Jul, 2024, 11:17

Can it be the case that there was a change on the abstraction/syntax of the return value from getFile (which eventually stems from getfileDownload in /setup.js)?! HEre is my Code: ```import { HfInference } from '@huggingface/inference'; import { throwIfMissing } from './utils.js'; import AppwriteService from './appwrite.js';

export default async ({ req, res, log, error }) => { throwIfMissing(process.env, ['HUGGINGFACE_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'APPWRITE_API_KEY']);

const databaseId = process.env.APPWRITE_DATABASE_ID ?? 'ai'; const collectionId = process.env.APPWRITE_COLLECTION_ID ?? 'image_classification'; const bucketId = process.env.APPWRITE_BUCKET_ID ?? 'image_classification';

if (req.method !== 'POST') { return res.json({ ok: false, error: 'Method not allowed' }, 405); }

...other code...

const appwrite = new AppwriteService();

let file; try { file = await appwrite.getFile(bucketId, fileId); log('BucketId: ' + bucketId); log('FileId: ' + fileId); log('File-START:'); log(file); log('File-END.'); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 404) { error(err); return res.json({ ok: false, error: 'File not found' }, 404); }

return res.json({ ok: false, error: 'Bad request' }, 400);


const hf = new HfInference(process.env.HUGGINGFACE_ACCESS_TOKEN);

const result = await hf.imageClassification({ data: file, model: 'microsoft/resnet-50', }); log('Result: ' + result);

...other code...

log('Image ' + fileId + ' classified', result); return res.json({ "result":result, "fileId":fileId, "fileList": fileList, "file": file }); };```

...which returns this log/response (empty file obj):

FileId: 669250c300280ebeb5fe
Result: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Image 669250c300280ebeb5fe classified```
Developers are trying to pass a file object to a Huggingface function within a template, but the file object returned from `getFileDownload` is empty. They suspect a change in the syntax of the return value. The current code suggests the file object is not being retrieved correctly. Potential Solution: Make sure the file object retrieved from `appwrite.getFile` is correctly passed to the Huggingface function `imageClassification`. Double-check the variable assignment, permissions, and ensure the file object contains the expected data.
13 Jul, 2024, 11:27

as i have read in the docs the "file" returned from getFileDownload should respond with headers attached that would tell a browser to initiate a download (...The endpoint response return with a 'Content-Disposition: attachment' header that tells the browser to start downloading the file to user downloads directory...) - so far so good, but how could this be passed as a file object to the huggingface function within the offical template, it should have been tested...?! Or am missing some part?


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