
Session does not persist, how to solve it?

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Auth
8 Jul, 2024, 22:04

I am developing an SSR app using SvelteKit, in my app the user can create their account, or simply log in if they are already registered.

In both cases I follow the same implementation demonstrated in the SSR authentication tutorials provided in the documentation.

As in the example below 👇

import { SESSION_COOKIE, createAdminClient } from "$lib/server/appwrite.js"
import { redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit"

export const actions = {
    login: async ({ request, cookies }) => {
        const form = await request.formData()
        const email = form.get("email") as string
        const password = form.get("pass") as string

        const { account } = createAdminClient()
        const session = await account.createEmailPasswordSession(email, password)

        cookies.set(SESSION_COOKIE, session.secret, {
            sameSite: "strict",
            expires: new Date(session.expire),
            secure: true,
            path: "/",

        redirect(301, "/admin/meu-negocio")

The cookie that is stored during the login or account creation process is used to create a session client.

export function createSessionClient(cookies: Cookies) {
    const session = cookies.get(SESSION_COOKIE)

    if (!session) {
        throw new Error("Não existe uma sessão válida")

    const client = new Client()

    return {
        get account() {
            return new Account(client)
        get databases() {
            return new Databases(client)

After the first access everything works perfectly, in the middleware after instantiating the client I can access the logged in user, through the session client, but when I spend some time without using the app and return it is as if the session is no longer valid and I get the following error 👇

  code: 401,
  type: 'general_unauthorized_scope',
  response: {
    message: 'User (role: guests) missing scope (account)',
    code: 401,
    type: 'general_unauthorized_scope',
    version: '1.5.7'

I've looked everywhere for a solution to this, or at least to understand what's happening, and I can't find it.

When I check my console, the user still has the session registered in the app and the sessions were configured to last 1 year. Which in this case already comes by default in Appwrite.

Could anyone help me with this?

Session in SvelteKit app does not persist; developers unable to maintain session after a period of inactivity. Solution: Increase session timeout or implement a session renewal mechanism to avoid error upon returning to the app after a while.

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