
Query one way relationship

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
3 Jul, 2024, 06:02

Hey there, thanks trying to help me! 👋

I know that querying relationships is currently not possible but I wonder in which extend? I have a „Cars“ Database where each car potentially contains a lot of „CarReservations“. In order to keep the „Car“ response small, I deleted the two way relationship and made it one way (a Reservation knows about its Car but the Car does not know about its reservations).

Is it still possible to query all the CarReservations for a car with a query and the Cars ID?

Appreciate it!

Developers wondering about querying one-way relationships in a "Cars" database. They adjusted the relationship so reservations know about cars, but not vice versa. The developers want to know if it's still possible to query all CarReservations for a specific car using the car's ID.

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