
Generic Error on database.listDocuments(). Query is fine.

  • 0
  • Flutter
28 Jun, 2024, 00:48

I have a document listing request from Flutter that usually works if the date interval I'm using for querying is bigger than 2 days. But if it's just 2 days or a single day interval, Appwrite returns me a Generic Error. I'm attempting to log it to the container but I don't know which container is responsible for it...

Here's the query params: final List<String> equipmentQuery = [ Query.equal("id", orderListIDs), Query.greaterThanEqual( "creation_date", dateToBeginTimestamp(initDate), ), Query.lessThanEqual( "creation_date", dateToBeginTimestamp(finalDate), ), ];

Thank you

Issue: When querying with date intervals of 2 days or less, developers experience a Generic Error from Appwrite. Solution: The error likely stems from the handling of date intervals. Double-check the dateToBeginTimestamp function for potential bugs related to shorter intervals. Also, ensure that the containers logging the error are identified for effective troubleshooting.

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