
Running updateEmail results in user_target_already_exists exception

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Messaging
  • Auth
  • Cloud
26 Jun, 2024, 12:29

Hello everyone!

I'm running the following as part of my app (Flutter), so on the client side:

    '', // email
    'password' // password

This results in an exception:


I understand this exception has to do with push notifications, which I have set up in my app. But I don't understand why ``updateEmail`` triggers this. ``updateEmail`` has nothing to do with push notifications. Does anyone have an idea what's going on?
Issue: When running `updateEmail` on Flutter app, `user_target_already_exists` exception occurs, related to push notifications setup. Solution: The `user_target_already_exists` exception may be caused by conflicting registration of the user for push notifications. Review the push notifications setup in the app to ensure that there are no duplicate registrations for the same user.

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