
Error : Connection reset by peer ? What does it means ?

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  • Tools
  • Functions
  • Cloud
Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
17 Jun, 2024, 10:16

I am using Appwrite cloud and appwrite function

I get this error

Internal curl errors has occurred within the executor! 
Error Number: 104. 
Error Msg: Connection reset by peer
Error Code: 500
Developers are receiving "Connection reset by peer" error. This typically indicates the function running the container crashed. Provide project ID for support to check the logs and troubleshoot further. (Solution: Share project ID for assistance)
17 Jun, 2024, 10:18

Hi Horsty 👋 Can you please provide me with your project ID please? Ill take a look

Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
17 Jun, 2024, 10:18

Codebase and how i use appwrite function are describe here : (another post for other issue but about function)

17 Jun, 2024, 10:19

This should not happen, it likely means function running your container crashed. With project ID I can take a look into our logs and see if it's true

Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
17 Jun, 2024, 10:19

yes sure thant 🙂


17 Jun, 2024, 10:19

Thanks for that 🙌 Please allow me a few mins to look into this

Horsty - Cyril (he/him)
17 Jun, 2024, 10:19

no problem 🙂


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