
Appwrite Cloud - Updating Users Target

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Auth
  • Cloud
11 Jun, 2024, 23:45

Hello Appwriter, i'm trying to update the User Target in my Appwrite so that user can recieve sms, email or push notification from me, but i'm confuse what the <TARGET_ID> should be

here is my code


// This is your Appwrite function
// It's executed each time we get a request
export default async ({ req, res, log, error }) => {
  const client = new Client();
  const functions = new Functions(client);
  const database = new Databases(client);
  const storage = new Storage(client);
  const users = new Users(client);

  const ENDPOINT          = process.env.MY_APPWRITE_ENDPOINT;
  const PROJECT_ID        = process.env.APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID;
  const API_KEY           = process.env.APPWRITE_API_KEY;
  const DATABASE_ID       = process.env.DATABASE_ID;
  const USERS_ID          = process.env.USERS_ID;

    const result = await users.list(
    const usersDocList = result.users;
    for(let i=0; i<usersDocList.length; i++){
      let usersList = usersDocList[i];
      if(usersList.targets.length === 0){
        //if user targets its empty then update users target 
        const result = await users.updateTarget(
          usersList.$id, // userId
          '<TARGET_ID>', // targetId
          'email', // identifier (optional)
          '6667553c000cde5ae310', // providerId (optional)
          'allUserTargetList' // name (optional)




  return res.send({"data": "end like this"});


please whats should be the value for the <TARGET_ID> is it the user Email that it's the target Id?

The `<TARGET_ID>` should be the ID associated with the target system, like the email service provider ID. It is not the user's email; it's a system identifier for the target.

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