
Send Icon inside Push Notification from Server

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Messaging
  • Web
  • Cloud
11 Jun, 2024, 16:06

Hi all,

Are there any examples on how to send a push notification using server sdk?


const title = "Hello";
const contents = "This is a test";

await messaging.createPush(
                    sdk.ID.unique(), // messageId
                    title, // title
                    contents, // body
                    [], // topics
                    [order.user_id], // users
                    [], // targets
                       activity: "orders",
                       orderId: order.order_id!,
                    }, // data
                    "", // action
                    "[IMAGE]", // image <-- I don't know what's supposed to be here!
                    "[ICON]", // icon - <-- I don't know what's supposed to be here!
                    "", // sound
                    "F7941E", // color <-- With or without `#` sign?
                    "", // tag
                    "[BADGE]", // badge <-- I don't know what's supposed to be here!
                    false, // draft (optional)
                    "" // scheduledAt

How do I configure this to send an image and to configure the push notification icon (just like postmates, uber eats, etc...)?

Where can I get the user_id?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

- Developer is looking for examples on sending push notifications using the `server sdk`. - They are unsure how to set the image and icon in the push notification configuration. - They also seek guidance on obtaining the `user_id` for the notifications. - To set the icon, replace the `"[ICON]"` placeholder with the URL or file path of the icon image. - For the image, replace the `"[IMAGE]"` placeholder with the URL or file path of the image to be displayed. - The `user_id` can be retrieved from the order information. - Solution: Provide the URLs or file paths for the icon and image

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