
execution timed out

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  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
11 Jun, 2024, 12:44

I have functions that run after one another. So an import server is running and creating a function execution. Then after it’s done it will wait 1 second before invoking the same function again with a new value. This is works for around 1 hour then it starts getting execution timed out errors. Very very strange…

It fails due to its invoking a db call inside the function to check if an existing document already exists. How can I fix this? It’s not an issue with the function since it works for a duration then starts getting execution timed out.

The cpu usage isn’t getting overloaded and a generous 1 second delay should not overload the executor. How can we solve this?

Issue: Function execution timing out after running for about an hour, despite not overloading CPU and having a 1-second delay between invocations. Error occurs when function makes DB call to check for existing document. Solution: The timeout issue may be due to the DB call taking longer over time or encountering some sort of connection issue. Consider optimizing the DB call, checking for potential connection problems, or increasing the function timeout limit if feasible.
11 Jun, 2024, 12:44

Let me know what to give you all in terms of logs and such


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