
How to update a document from a localhost nodejs app?

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  • Databases
Mr English
7 Jun, 2024, 08:17

I am trying to use a nodejs application on localhost, to create documents. Can you tell me how to go about this, for example, how to set the permissions. Thanks.

Developers are encountering an error when trying to create a document in AppWrite: "Invalid `documentId` param." The error arises as the ID shouldn't exceed 36 characters and have specific valid characters. Check the Appwrite documentation for assistance, especially on setting permissions: In a nodejs app from localhost, grant permissions by creating a user and role, enabling the required permissions (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Afrin Nahar
7 Jun, 2024, 08:30

Appwrite docs would be a great place for this. For setting permissions, you can follow this doc:

Mr English
7 Jun, 2024, 08:38

Thanks @Afrin Nahar In AppWrite, I have created a User and created a Permissions Role for the User and enabled Create, Read, Update and Delete However, I get this error:

Error creating document: AppwriteException: Invalid documentId param: Parameter must contain at most 36 chars. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char This is an example data row: 5/31/24 15:31:35|Stockport|England|Stockport||-|False

Mr English
7 Jun, 2024, 08:40

My collection attribute data types are: DateTime String String String String String Boolean


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