
Database Operation Keyword "Query.contains()"

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Realtime
  • Cloud
30 May, 2024, 20:54

My app is a social App where user can follow and unfollow each other, right now I don't know what i'm doing wrong but i want to be able to get posts of users if the user its contain in the array of user i'm following

Here is my Code

        databaseId: Common.dataBasesId,
        collectionId: Common.collectionStoryTellerId,
        queries: [
          // Query.equal("userId", userId),
          Query.contains("userId", ['${userModel.following}']),

  return doc.documents;

Please, what i'm missing out on?

Developers want to retrieve posts from users they are following using the `Query.contains()` method, but the current code is not working as expected. The `Query.contains()` method is typically used for checking if a value is present in an array. Instead of passing `['${userModel.following}']`, the developer should directly pass `userModel.following` in the method, as it's already an array. Revised code: ``` DocumentList doc = await _db.listDocuments( databaseId: Common.dataBasesId, collectionId: Common.collectionStoryTellerId, queries: [

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