
[SOLVED]storage.createFile() creates image with MIME Type of "application/octet-stream"

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  • Storage
28 May, 2024, 08:21

I am working with node.js, avatarString is a base64 string of png looks like "" The following code is a function instance that converts base64 to buffer to create an inputFile object and pass into createFile ` // src/index.js import InputFile from "./inputFile.js"; const fileName = userID + '.png'; const avatarString = params.avatar; const avatarBuffer = Buffer.from(avatarString, 'base64'); const fileResult = await storage.deleteFile('avatar', userID).then(() => { return storage.createFile('avatar', userID, InputFile.fromBuffer(avatarBuffer, fileName)); })

// src/inputFile.js export default class InputFile { stream; // class NodeJS.ReadableStream filename; // File name size; // Total final size of the file content

static fromBuffer = (buffer, filename) => { const stream = Readable.from(buffer); const size = Buffer.byteLength(buffer); return new InputFile(stream, filename, size); };

constructor(stream, filename, size) { = stream; this.filename = filename; this.size = size; } } ` After execution, a file of MIME Type: application/octet-stream was created instead of image/png

The issue where `storage.createFile()` creates an image with MIME Type of "application/octet-stream" has been solved. The solution involves removing the meta at the start of the base64 string using `params.avatar.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, "")`.
28 May, 2024, 08:34

update: solved, looks like I need to get rid of the meta at start of the base64 string params.avatar.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, "")

28 May, 2024, 08:34

[SOLVED]storage.createFile() creates image with MIME Type of "application/octet-stream"


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