
GitHub App connection causing error 500 while redirecting

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  • Self Hosted
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28 May, 2024, 07:20

Hey Developers, I hope you are all doing well. Last day I setup Appwrite on my server and since then I am trying to connect my Appwrite Instance with GitHub account but All in vain.

I have followed all the instructions listed here It allows me to install app but when after installation my app tries to redirect back to Appwrite console it shows an error page saying ERROR 500.

Your valuable suggestions are welcome.

Server Info: Ubuntu 22.04 Appwrite installed behind NGINX proxy using Cloud Panel. Appwrite instance is running on a non standard port SSL is generated by Let's encrypt.

Developers are having trouble connecting their GitHub account to their self-hosted Appwrite instance. After following all installation instructions, they encounter an error 500 when the app tries to redirect back to Appwrite console. Possible solutions: - Check NGINX proxy settings to ensure proper routing - Verify SSL configuration from Let's encrypt - Confirm the non-standard port and adjust settings accordingly

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