
Could not resolve host: appwrite-executor with status code 0

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
27 May, 2024, 07:31

Hi, i'm self hosting Appwrite on Ubuntu (arm64). I've installed it with the docker installer from the documentation (version 1.5.5) . Since i'm planning to use it on my local netwokr (under vpn) i've set _APP_DOMAIN and _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET to the private ip of the machine. The dashboard loads fine, and everything seems to works but when i try to deploy any function i'm getting the following error during building:

Could not resolve host: appwrite-executor with status code 0

I've seen other discussions about this error but it seems that they are all related to problems during appwrite upgrades while in my case it's a fresh install. Obviously i've already tried to stop and run again the containers with docker compose down && docker compose up -d but nothings has changed.

Developers self-hosting Appwrite on Ubuntu with Docker installer encounter a "Could not resolve host: appwrite-executor with status code 0" error. Despite setting _APP_DOMAIN and _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET to the private IP, the issue persists. Restarting containers with "docker compose down && docker compose up -d" doesn't resolve the problem.

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