
Function not authenticate

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  • Cloud
26 May, 2024, 04:56

Hello there, I was trying to access a funtion i create via appwrite cloud as a logged in user via sveltekit but on function it's seeing my request as guest while on app, it's showing as logged in

what am I doing wrong

Function created on Appwrite cloud not authenticating users properly in Sveltekit. Check the authentication handling in the function code. Be sure to verify the user's authentication status and permissions to access the function. Also, ensure that the user is properly logged in before calling the function.
26 May, 2024, 04:57

export const doFunction = (functionId, query) => { console.log('query: ', query); return functions.createExecution( FUNCTIONS[functionId], JSON.stringify(query) ).then(function (response) { console.log('A document', response); return { status: 200, // total:, response: JSON.parse(response.responseBody) }; }).catch(function (error) { console.log(error); if (error.code == 401) { if (error.type == 'user_unauthorized') { alert(error.message) goto('/auth/login') } } return { status: error.code, errorType: error.type, error: error.messages }; }); };

This is how my request look like


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