
AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (

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  • Functions
Vu "Anthony"
23 May, 2024, 15:43

Hi all. I'm having trouble using appwrite function with appwrite sdk (apple and web). When I tried getting execution using curl command, it works perfectly fine. However, when I use appwrite web sdk, I got this error

Issue: Developer is encountering a User missing scope error when using Appwrite function with Appwrite SDK. Solution: Developer should use create execution instead of list execution call. Additionally, the provided curl command is correct.
Vu "Anthony"
23 May, 2024, 15:45

curl command curl -X POST -H "X-Appwrite-Project:659c3051c87c2698d7c5" https://my_domain/v1/functions/6649f2f6cfd173377f3c/executions and here's the output

Vu "Anthony"
23 May, 2024, 15:46

and this is the client code (web)

23 May, 2024, 15:59

this is a creat execution call

23 May, 2024, 15:59

this is a list exeuction call. use create execution instead


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