
Console Not Updated With Created Collection

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
20 May, 2024, 22:04

I created a collection in two different databases, in one it worked and shows up. In the other, it says it worked, and it says it's there on repeated hits to the server, but the collection is not visible in console. This is on 1.5.5, self hosted, restarted the docker but it still isn't showing the collection we created. How can I figure this out?

Issue: Created collection not visible in console despite server acknowledging it. Possible solution: Check for cache issues and try accessing the console in incognito mode. If problem persists, consider updating to the latest version or investigating server configurations for any conflicts affecting collection visibility.
20 May, 2024, 22:28

bad cache? does it show up in incognito?


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