
Dart 3.1 function request replacing Plus Sign (+) with SPACE

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
20 May, 2024, 12:34

I am running a self hosted server version 1.4.9, with a dart 3.1 function FrontEnd is Flutter.

I am sending a String from the FrontEnd to Appwrite function, when reading it and encoding it to JSON, the Plus signs (like the prefix of phone number "+1-555-1234567") is deleted, replaced by a SPACE resulting " 1-555-1234567".

Tried to manually add it (String.fromChar(43)), no luck.

Even a command like context.log("++++++++"); printed to the log of the execution as " "

Any other method of representing the + sign like "" or "&02B" all resulting as spaces.

Developers are facing an issue where the Dart 3.1 function is replacing plus signs with spaces when encoding strings to JSON. Various attempts to manually add the plus sign have failed. The problem persists even with alternate representations like "\+" or "&02B".

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