
CRON not working properly, or I'm missing something.

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  • Functions
18 May, 2024, 20:55

Hello, I have a question.

I have an Appwrite installation, I always use some CRON functions to execute code every minute or every two minutes.

Right now, I want to run a CRON function every day at 1:00AM, but so far no luck.

I did try with 0 1 * * * and 0 1 */1 * * but doesnt work.

So yesterday I put a function that will try to create a document, and the id for that document will be the date of the new Date - 5 hours - 24 hours (I'm living on -5 GMT)

So what was the point of that? I want to create a document with something like 2024-05-17 and I will register the time when it was created. And because it will be the same ID, it will not let the document to be created.

So I was expecting my test to create the document with ID 2024-05-17 on 2024-05-18 at 00:00 or so, but ended up creating the document on the 2024-05-17 at 20:00

I hope you understand what I mean with all of these. Thanks in advance.

Issue with CRON not triggering at 1:00 AM daily in an Appwrite installation. Attempted with `0 1 * * *` and `0 1 */1 * *` without success. Created a document to test timing, but it wasn't created at the expected time. The issue may stem from timezone differences. **Solution:** Check and adjust timezone settings for accurate CRON scheduling.

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