
User not verified automatically after Email OTP

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  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
Tommy Angelo
17 May, 2024, 12:30

I see that after a successful email OTP process, user status still shows as "unverified" on Auth dashboard. Shouldn't it be automatically set as "verified" as user signed in with email otp and in a way verified email. Or is there a way to programmatically verify it after a successful email otp process?

Developers are noticing that the user status remains 'unverified' on the Auth dashboard even after a successful email OTP process. They are wondering if the user status should automatically change to 'verified' once they sign in with email OTP. They are also asking if there is a way to programmatically verify the user after a successful email OTP process. Solution: Look into your authentication system settings to ensure that the verification status is updated correctly after a successful email OTP process. Check if there is an option to programmatically verify users in this scenario.

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