Error trying to call .createPush() - does not show in Xcode autofill as an option either.
- 0
- Messaging
- Apple
- Cloud
I have been following the docs: ( and (, getting started trying to implement a simple push notification system for my iOS App but am running into an error when I try to call '.createPush()'. I am using Appwrite package version 5.0.0 and Cloud hosting. When I look at the Xcode autofill recommendations it only shows '.createSubscriber()' and '.deleteSubscriber()'. I was able to successfully create a push target and I am probably just missing something really dumb here, can you please point me in the right direction?
let messaging = Messaging(client)
messageId: "",
title: "",
body: "",
badge: ""
Xcode error:
```Value of type 'Messaging' has no member 'createPush'```
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