
Chat App with Appwrite

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Databases
  • Storage
  • Cloud
  • Realtime
9 May, 2024, 07:16

Hey guys, I'm adding a chat feature to my app, to some extent alot of things is working work fine, but i have an issue i want to be able to check on the status of the message (sent, delivered, etc ) when the app in on background or foreground e.g

we have two user : User A and User B

User A enter the chat room and send Message to User B, after sending the message, he leave the chat room, the chat head should be update as well showing if User B has read the message or if User B has sent a reply to User A,

Just like the way WhatsApp is doing

Developers want to track message status in a chat app like WhatsApp even when the app is in the background. A possible solution could involve implementing real-time updates using Appwrite's WebSocket feature to keep track of message statuses.

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