
Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' when trying to upload file to storage

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8 May, 2024, 14:52

I get this error while trying to upload file to appwrite storage using createFile. Im using node-sdk, nextjs and server actions. How can I upload file (File type) to appwrite storage using node-sdk?

Developers encounter a 'Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'' error while uploading a file to Appwrite storage using the Node.js SDK, Next.js, and Server Actions. They seek guidance on correctly uploading a file to Appwrite storage using the Node.js SDK. **Solution:** This issue is caused by the 'fs' module not being available in client-side JavaScript environments like Next.js. To resolve this, the file upload logic should be handled server-side or within server actions instead of the client-side code.

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