
Connecting my Websites users from MongoDB to Appwrite...

  • 0
  • Web
  • Databases
  • Auth
  • Messaging
  • Realtime
4 May, 2024, 06:34

I need help with authenticating users from my website to appwrite, I have my own auth system using MERN stack, and I know appwrite doesn't support MongoDB but I think there is got to be a way I can basically authorize users from my website to send messages using appwrite with their accounts(user Id, usernameand profile picture is all I need)

Developers are trying to connect their website's users from MongoDB to Appwrite for authentication. They are new to Appwrite and unsure about the process. The default hash algorithm for passwords is Argon in Appwrite. One developer suggests using Appwrite for authentication instead of adding additional complexity. Another developer explains that all SDKs are free, but there may be costs associated with Appwrite Cloud or self-hosting. The solution provided is to use Server Side SDKs to create user accounts on Appwrite using their credentials. This will allow users to authenticate through the website and use Appwrite for messaging.
4 May, 2024, 06:46

you could use Server Side SDKs to create user accounts on Appwrite, using their credentials.

4 May, 2024, 06:47

That's great!

4 May, 2024, 06:47

Is SDK free?

4 May, 2024, 06:48

all sdks are free, haha. if you use Appwrite Cloud, there's pricing involved. if you are self hosting, its your hardware and its cost. there's no other costs associated.

4 May, 2024, 06:48

Thanks a lot

4 May, 2024, 06:50

So basically if I understood correctly, as soon as someone registers on my website, I can make a user on appwrite with the credentials that they used for my website?

4 May, 2024, 06:51

Yes. the default hash algo. used for passwords is Argon. afaik its configurable too. You can use the same passwords as your users. But why that much hassle? i mean you could directly use Appwrite for Auth.

4 May, 2024, 06:52

Well I would like to but I thouth appwrite doesn't support MongoDB? I don't have an idea how I would do that since I am new to appwrite


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