
Error 520

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Hugo ;)
3 May, 2024, 20:32

Hey, my node JS app randomly crash with the following error

            throw new AppwriteException(text, response.status, "", text);

AppwriteException [Error]: error code: 520
    at (/root/AdFront/backend/node_modules/node-appwrite/lib/client.js:204:19)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async Databases.listDocuments (/root/AdFront/backend/node_modules/node-appwrite/lib/services/databases.js:1658:16)
    at async Timeout.UpdateImg [as _onTimeout] (/root/AdFront/backend/index.js:126:18) {
  code: 520,
  type: '',
  response: 'error code: 520'

Node.js v21.6.1

I'm confused as this is the first time I see this error and the documentation dont mention it, and it seems to crash after a certain amount of time

Here's the line 126 of the code

    const response = await databases.listDocuments("ads_db", "ads_list", [Query.equal('index', currentIndex)]);


Error 520 is related to Cloudflare, not Appwrite. It's likely a network issue. The App randomly crashes after some time. Make sure Cloudflare settings are configured correctly.
3 May, 2024, 20:34

Are you using Cloudflare? seems like error 520 has something to do with them. Appwrite itself doesn't produce error 520


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