
Error 500 to update document with relationships

  • 1
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Functions
  • Cloud
28 Apr, 2024, 11:57

Hello, I have a problem updating a document (product) which has 6 attributes that are relationships to other documents (from other collections such as brand, category,...), I already checked that the permissions in the document collections that I have as relationships (brand, category,...) are configured in the same way as for the product collection. I cannot update the product document if I pass it the parameters that are relations, but it does update if I pass null in the parameters that are relations. The relationships are 5 bidirectional (many to one) and 1 unidirectional (many to one). The error I receive is the following: catch error updateDocument product= AppwriteException: general_unknown, Server Error (500)

Issue: Error 500 encountered when updating a document with relationships to other documents. Resolution: Check permissions in document collections related to the relationships. Make sure permissions are configured similarly for all collections. Update the product document successfully by passing null in the parameters that are relations. Error received: Server Error (500) with AppwriteException: general_unknown.

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