
Failing to create session (Angular) on vercel.

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
27 Apr, 2024, 17:46

On local its works perfectly fine, but in vercel where i deployed my front its failing to create a session This is my code:

export class AuthService {
  private readonly SESSION_KEY = 'user_session';
  private client: Client;
  private account: Account;

  private isAuthenticatedSubject: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
  public isAuthenticated$: Observable<boolean> = this.isAuthenticatedSubject.asObservable();

  constructor() {
    this.client = new Client().setEndpoint('');
    this.account = new Account(this.client);


  async login(email: string, password: string): Promise<void> {
    try {
      //setting email session
      await this.account.createEmailSession(email, password);
      // const privatejwt : Models.Jwt = await this.account.createJWT();
      // console.log(privatejwt);
      // //settign json web token
      // await this.client.setJWT(privatejwt.jwt);
      const sessionData = await this.account.get();; // Emit true when user is logged in
      localStorage.setItem(this.SESSION_KEY, JSON.stringify(sessionData));
      // localStorage.setItem('appwrite_jwt', privatejwt.jwt);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Login error:', error);
      throw new Error('Failed to login. Please check your credentials and try again.');
Developers are facing an issue with creating a session in Angular on Vercel. The code works fine locally but fails on Vercel. They are questioning whether to use `createEmailSession` directly or if a cloud function is needed. The issue may be related to the way authentication is handled for production. A solution was not provided in the thread.
27 Apr, 2024, 17:46
27 Apr, 2024, 17:48

What's the console logs show in your browser dev tools?

27 Apr, 2024, 17:51

this is the console log

27 Apr, 2024, 17:52

maybe the way i use the auth is wrong for production

27 Apr, 2024, 17:57

Cant i use emailPassword session diractly from the cloud to appwrite ? or that i need a cloudfunction that will handle this ?

27 Apr, 2024, 17:59

Screenshot please

27 Apr, 2024, 17:59

No you don't need a function


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