
Alternative way without secureSchema function ?

  • 1
  • Databases
  • Self Hosted
  • Web
24 Apr, 2024, 20:30

Hi, what's the alternative way to hide specific keys? I've created a function, but I believe there might be another way to achieve this.

function secureSchema<T extends Record<string, any>>(doc: T): Omit<T, "$permissions" | "$databaseId" | "$collectionId"> {
  const secureDoc: any = { ...doc }; 

  function removeSecureProps(obj: any) {
    for (const prop in obj) {
      if (obj[prop] !== null && typeof obj[prop] === 'object') {
      if (prop === '$permissions' || prop === '$databaseId' || prop === '$collectionId') {
        delete obj[prop]; 


  return secureDoc; 
  async readAll(): Promise<VideoSchemaType[]> {
    const documents = await database.listDocuments(dbId, videoCollectionId);
    const data = any) => secureSchema(doc)) as VideoSchemaType[];
    return data;
Function `secureSchema` is used to hide specific keys in an object. An alternative way to achieve this without using the `secureSchema` function is by directly removing the desired keys from the object where necessary.

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